Clinical care and conduct complaint

Most complaints submitted to CPSBC deal with a physician or surgeon’s clinical decision-making or the way a patient has been treated. Below is a guide on how our process works for clinical care and conduct complaints.

How to submit a complaint

All physicians and surgeons who are licensed to practise in British Columbia are registrants of CPSBC. We investigate all complaints against registrants.

Here are some things to know when filing a complaint:

  • Complaints must be submitted in writing through mail, email or fax. We recommend using our complaint form.
  • Include the signature of the person filing the complaint.
  • Include the patient’s date of birth and personal health number.

If a patient is unable to make a complaint, a representative may do so on their behalf. The patient must consent on the CPSBC’s Authorization for Representation form. If a patient cannot provide consent, provide proof of power of attorney or a representation agreement.

Once we receive your complaint, we will send you a letter explaining the next steps.